Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (2024)

Backlinks are the most important currency in link building. And to keep your backlink profile clean, you must know a few things (at least) about backlink management. Don’t worry, because I’ve got it all for you. We’ll discuss important techniques, tools, and a couple of tips to manage your external links.

Before, it was just about the number of backlinks. If you have more links than your competitor, your page will appear first before them. Search engines have become smarter and refuse to be manipulated by digital marketers. That’s why it’s necessary to examine the link quality of any incoming links.

But why do you need to check it from time to time? Why do you need to manage your backlinks? Can the quality of the link change?

Regardless, for those interested in building links for local SEO, you should check out our ‘Link Building for Local SEO‘ article.

Why Manage Your Backlink Profile?

Well, yes. High-quality backlinks can be good and relevant for your site today but can go sour after a few weeks. If you have backlinks of poor quality, it can affect your search engine rankings. Remember that your off-page SEO is as important as your on-page SEO.

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (1)

You need to manage your backlink profile to:

  • Get rid of bad links on your site
  • Avoid Google penalties
  • Avoid being removed from an index due to a broken backlink
  • Achieve a good backlink profile

You need to manage your backlink profile to make sure that you’re getting external links from relevant content. If your linked pages come from spammy sites and sketchy domains, Google might see this as manipulating the search algorithm. Your site can get penalties if you build low-quality links.

Google and other search engines look for the quality of the links to rank your page. The quality of your links remains one of the important ranking factors for search engines. If you manage your backlink profile regularly, you can look for bad links that can pose harm to your website’s SEO success.

Managing a whole backlink profile with thousands of links is tedious. The goal is to retain organic links and remove harmful links from your site. This requires you to do some data analysis for every backlink that you have.

Useful Tips and Techniques for Backlink Management

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (2)

For SEO strategists, here’s a list of techniques to manage your backlinks. Along with these techniques are useful tips to help make the task easier for you. These techniques will help you manage your backlinks more efficiently.

1. Optimize Your Link Building Campaigns

First on the list is to optimize your link building campaigns. This technique takes precedence over everything else because it makes a good link profile. If you have a good link building campaign, you won’t have to stress out in removing harmful backlinks on your site.

LinkDoctor™ recommends using white hat link building strategies to make sure you’re getting relevant backlinks. This is the right way to build links and it will also minimize the risk from Google penalties. Our blogger outreach services employ white hat link building strategies for our outreach campaigns.

For backlink management to work, you must build backlinks the proper way. Making sure that new links on your site are relevant and valuable will lessen the need to manage backlinks.

However, there’s nothing you can do if a website closes down or the webmaster removed your link. You can still lose these links that you already have. Treat this technique as a preemptive strategy for your link profile.

Also read: How to get High PR Backlinks


Always check the link profile of your referring domains. You can’t control the quality of all your inbound links. If you find potentially malicious websites pointing back to your site, disavow these links (more on this later). What you can control is the quality of the links on your campaigns.

Target your campaigns towards legitimate websites with good link profiles. Check the Domain Ranking (DR) and Domain Authority (DA) of your prospect website first before asking for a backlink. This makes sure that the quality of the links you’re getting is good.

2. Check the Spam Score of Your Backlinks

Consider checking if your backlinks are spammy. You can measure this by checking the Spam Score of a backlink. It’s a metric developed by Moz to check how spammy your links are based on Google web crawlers. Spam Score can also be a measure of how trustworthy a website is.

To manage your backlinks, you should avoid backlinks coming from spammy sites. Here are some qualities of a spammy link:

  • Comes from low authority sites
  • Unusually high spike in traffic coming from countries outside your target audience
  • Accepts low-quality guest posts for links
  • Spammy comments on blog posts
  • Large site with few links
  • Low link diversity

To identify the spam score of your backlinks, you can use Moz Link Explorer Tool and check the Spam Score on the toolbar on the left side of the screen.

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (3)

Here’s an example of the data given by the tool. This is the Moz score of the spammy website.

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (4)

Spam score isn’t that problematic if you only have a few. But if you accumulate backlinks with high spam scores, your score might be affected as well. This can affect your website’s SEO performance and drive organic traffic away.


A spam score of 1-30% is considered a low spam score. Try to maintain your backlinks around this range to avoid getting your page flagged by Google.

However, a high spam score does not necessarily mean that the site is spammy. It’s a measure of a variety of signals that tells if a website can be penalized or not. Thus, if you see a backlink with a high spam score, it’s a cause for an investigation. Check the content and its relevance to your content before disavowing the backlink.

3. Monitor and Claim Lost Backlinks

Backlinks can be lost in a couple of ways. It can be because a referring page became a 404 page or the backlink has been removed by the webmaster. One thing is for sure though: there won’t be any warning when you’re about to lose a backlink.

It’s necessary to monitor backlinks and see if your links are still active. If you notice a broken link on your site, consider claiming the lost backlink. You can follow these steps for broken link building:

  1. Check for broken links on your site. You can use the Broken Link Checker tool for free and find the location of the lost link in your HTML.
  2. Contact the webmaster and notify them that there’s a broken page on their site. If your link has been replaced, you can ask and persuade them to retain your link.
  3. After you re-establish the lost backlink, check the response of the referring page if it’s working.

Also read: Web 2.0 Backlinks


When monitoring your backlinks, check for the link velocity of your pages. It’s a measure of how fast (or slow) a page gains backlinks. The link velocity of your page can be a determining factor if your page will rank or not.

If you’re building links too fast, to the point that it’s unusual, Google can see this as a negative signal. Google bots will check your site if you’re manipulating their search algorithm because of the sudden influx of backlinks. However, if you’re building too slow, competitors will bypass you in site rankings.

4. Set Alerts for Lost or Broken Backlinks

There are SEO tools that allow you to set alerts and notifications when your website loses a backlink. You can track backlinks and make a list of lost backlinks that you want to reclaim. By setting alerts, you can act quickly on removed backlinks before your competitors claim them.

For example, Monitor Backlinks Tool can send you alerts when you gain a new backlink or lose one. These tools give a real-time update on your backlinks so you can monitor them regularly. By continuously monitoring your links, you can maintain your link profile to where you want it to be.


Set alerts for both lost and gained backlinks. A lost backlink (or a new one) from a high authority domain can make or break your SERP ranking.

5. Set Google Alerts to Monitor Competitor’s Backlinks

Tracking your competitor’s backlinks can give you a lot of insight into how to manage your backlinks. Google Alerts will notify you of any updates regarding new opportunities for link building. It can show you brand mentions of your competitors and compare them to your brand mentions.

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (5)

You can set up this tool to monitor backlinks of competitors by following the steps below:

  1. Go to and type the keywords you want to track.
  2. Select the “Show Options” below the search bar where you can modify the alerts you’re going to get.
  3. You can change how often you’re getting alerts from Google and from what source are you getting alerts. You can get alerts from brand mentions on a blog post, news article, or other web materials.
  4. Choose the language and region of the content.
  5. Select a delivery email address where you will receive the notifications.

Knowing the techniques employed by your direct competitors to gain backlinks is crucial in optimizing your link building strategies. Monitoring how your competitors move will give you new ideas and opportunities to have a good backlink profile.


You can also set alerts for negative keywords that link to your site. These negative keywords can affect your SEO and search visibility. If you’re doing e-commerce link building, these negative keywords can make your product appear on irrelevant searches and can ultimately cost you money.

In backlink management, you only want to rank for relevant keywords. These negative keywords can drag your ranking because of a lack of relevance to your content. By doing thorough keyword research, you can filter necessary and unnecessary keywords on your content.

6. Track Trust Flow and Citation Flow of Backlinks

Trust Flow and Citation Flow are metrics provided by MajesticSEO. These metrics measure if a website is trustworthy in the eyes of Google and its users. Trust Flow measures the link popularity and reputation while Citation Flow measures high-quality citations and influence of the link.

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (6)

Generally, higher scores on these two metrics indicate that the backlinks you have are trustworthy. This will also increase the Trust Flow of your website if you link to other sites that have a high rating.


MajesticSEO also has a Majestic Topic filter that shows you the relevance of the topics of your backlinks. This software has topic tags that sort backlinks according to the content. If you’re in the SEO industry and you found backlinks with health-related topics, you should investigate the relevance of these backlinks to your website.

7. Check Dofollow vs. Nofollow Ratio

There are two types of backlinks that are pointing back to your domain. These are Dofollow and Nofollow links. These are tags that signal Google whether to pass link equity or not. And the ratio between the two can affect how Google sees your link building strategy.

Since links with a rel=”nofollow” tag do not pass link juice, you don’t have to stress too much on your nofollow links. You have to monitor dofollow backlinks more because they can affect your SEO efforts. Having dofollow links from low-quality websites can also affect your website’s performance in SERP.

The ratio between dofollow and nofollow is not definite. You can have more nofollow tags than dofollow or vice versa. However, if the ratio between the dofollow vs. nofollow link is around 9:1, then Google might see this as an absurd linking pattern.

When managing your backlinks, take some time to check the ratio of your dofollow links from your nofollows. Having too many dofollow links can cause you some trouble with Google while having too many nofollow links won’t get you any link juice from your backlinks.


The key is to maintain the balance between your dofollow and nofollow links. Some might say 70% dofollow and 30% nofollow is the best one, but it is borderline dangerous. The best thing to do is to gain dofollow backlinks from relevant pages and nofollow links from publicity websites.

As long as you’re getting new links from relevant pages, it’s a win for your website. However, watch out for dofollow links from poor-quality websites as these can cause headaches rather than more search visibility.

8. Measure the Impact of Backlinks on Search Engines

The difference in the quality of your current backlinks can affect your visibility on search engines. Some tools can quantify the impact of a backlink on your website. You can use these tools to see which backlinks are performing and which are dragging you down.

You can calculate the Link Quality Score by combining 4 different factors.

  • Domain Authority (best score of 4)
  • Relevance (best score of 3)
  • Site Quality (best score of 2)
  • Engagement (best score of 1)

A DA of 70 and above will get you a Link Quality Score of 4. You’ll get a score of 3 for DA 50-69. If your backlink has DA 30-49, you can give it a score of 2. And if it’s below 29, give it a score of 1.

This score will also quantify the relevance of your backlink to your page. If you’re an SEO reseller, a good chunk of your backlinks should come from SEO websites for them to have a relevance score of 3. If your links come from an unrelated niche, you’re likely to get a lower score.

Site quality, however, is a bit tricky to quantify. The important thing is the quality of the backlink’s content. If a referring domain produces high-quality content, you can give it a confident score of 2.

Engagement is straightforward and easier to measure. All you have to do is to check if your backlinks have enough engagements on different social media platforms.


The quality of the backlink has been a heavy factor that Google considers. You can use this information to assess your strategies and set clear goals for more targeted link building. If you want to make your backlink profile better, remove backlinks with a link quality score lower than 4.

9. Disavow Unnecessary Backlinks and Retain High-Quality Backlinks

The last thing to do is to disavow unnecessary backlinks and retain your current backlinks. Backlinks that pose potential harm to your website should be removed.

To disavow links from your site:

  1. Go to Google disavow links tool.
  2. Specify what links you want to disavow. Create a list (one URL or domain per line) and save it in .txt format.
  3. Upload the list on the tool and select which property you want to disavow the links from.
  4. Check if the links have been disavowed.


Before uploading the list of the links to disavow, double-check it first. Once a link has been disavowed, you lose that link. Make sure you’ve only listed the suspicious links on your site.

The list should also be complete when you upload it on the tool. If you want to add new URLs to disavow, you’ll have to reupload the whole list again.

10. Check the Referral Traffic You’re Getting From Your Backlinks

Backlinks also give you referral traffic. This traffic comes from the referring domain that’s looking for relevant sites and came across your anchor text. Referral traffic is also a good measure of whether to remove or retain a backlink.

You need to keep the backlink if:

  • If it brings a high volume of referral traffic
  • If it has a huge fan-base that can be your audience

You can remove the backlink if:

  • If it doesn’t bring any referral traffic to your site
  • Spammy websites that have a spammy audience-base
  • If the domain has very low traffic and irrelevant


Backlinks are like votes of confidence towards a website. The more links you have, the more referral traffic you will get. However, referral traffic is only possible if the referring domains have a good traffic flow.

You can regulate your links depending on the referral traffic they bring to your site. Make sure that your backlinks translate to referral traffic to get more exposure for your brand.

Necessary Tools for Backlink Management

1. Ahrefs

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (7)

As one of the most regarded tools for link building, Ahrefs takes the top spot on our list. It’s a very powerful link building tool where you can monitor backlinks and where they come from. You can also check the link profile of your backlinks using the Site Explorer tool.

In Ahrefs, you’ll be able to see how you lost a backlink (404 error, redirect, etc.) in the Lost Backlink option. And because of its high-speed web crawlers, you can monitor your backlinks more proactively. You can avoid penalties and disavow links before they can damage your domain.

2. SE Ranking

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (8)

What I like about SE Ranking is how detailed it is when it comes to monitoring your backlinks. You can see a detailed overview of your backlinks from the dashboard of the tool. This way, you can monitor your links in real-time.

You can also see parameters and other SEO metrics from trusted SEO tools like Moz Domain Authority and Ahrefs Domain Ranking. It also shows the anchor text used per backlink so you can also track the keywords you’re ranking.

3. Sitechecker Tool

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (9)

Sitechecker Tool is a huge help for digital marketers who want to track their website’s performance. It comes with a set of tools that are necessary for link building. With the details that it offers, you can optimize your SEO campaign and reveal what anchor texts lead to backlinks.

4. BuzzSumo

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (10)

BuzzSumo is a great tool to track your backlinks, as well as your competitor’s. Track mentions, industry updates, and backlink updates using this monitoring tool. You can also set alerts to keep you updated even when you’re offline.

5. Monitor Backlinks

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (11)

Monitor Backlinks has been a popular tool since its release because it can track your link profile and disavow low-quality links. The tool also shows you the important metrics you need to track when monitoring your backlinks. It shows relevant data to analyze your backlinks in a user-friendly UI.


What are some important tools for measuring backlinks?

When dealing with how to manage your backlinks, some important tools to measure them include Ahrefs, SE Ranking, Site Checker Tool, Buzz Sumo and Monitor Backlinks.

Why should you monitor your backlinks?

Some of the reasons to monitor your backlinks include getting rid of bad links and avoiding Google penalties. Other than this, being removed from an index due to a broken backlink and achieving a good backlink profile are other good reasons. Although the question of how to manage your backlinks is important, the ‘why’ is just as relevant.

How do you measure the impact of backlinks on search engines?

Keeping a track of Domain Authority, Relevance, Site Quality and Engagement scores are important ways to measure the impact of backlinks on search engines.

Track Your Backlinks Regularly

It’s important to monitor backlinks regularly. It keeps your link profile safe from getting penalized by Google. Doing it regularly will allow you to do necessary actions for links that pose threat to your website. If you’re interested in seeing what kind of backlinks your competitor is getting, be sure to check out our article ‘How to find competitor backlinks

By following our tips and techniques, you can monitor your backlinks more efficiently and track the important metrics you need to reach a decision. Using the tools above will make backlink management easier. Start tracking your backlinks now to see if you need to disavow some of them!

Backlink Management 101: Useful Tools, Tips, and Techniques | LinkDoctor™ (2024)


Can you list 3 types of backlinks? ›

9 Best Types of Backlinks
  • Editorial Backlinks. ...
  • Backlinks From Guest Blogging. ...
  • Backlinks in Business Profiles. ...
  • Backlinks from Webinars. ...
  • Free-Tool Backlinks. ...
  • Acknowledgment Backlinks. ...
  • Guest Post Bio Links. ...
  • Badge Backlinks.
Feb 6, 2023

What is backlink management? ›

Part of the backlink management process revolves also around identifying and expanding your link profile by building more links. There are countless strategies that can help a site acquire more links. The most popular and effective are: Submitting guest posts to top-industry sites. Digital PR and outreach for links.

What is backlink analysis tools? ›

Backlink analysis is a comprehensive review of a website's backlinks to analyze the site's performance and identify issues that could affect its search engine ranking. Backlink analysis is like the SEO version of going to the doctor for a check-up.

What are Tier 1 and Tier 2 backlinks? ›

Tiered link building is an SEO strategy that earns link juice and strengthens backlink profiles. There are three tiers of links, each of which is of greater quality than the tier below it. Tier 1: High-quality links from trustworthy sites. Tier 2: Medium-quality links from Web 2.0 sites.

Which backlink is best for SEO? ›

As we mentioned earlier, dofollow backlinks are the most valuable. They're the ones that make a big difference for your SEO. That's why it's important to always search for ways to get more dofollow backlinks.

What is a good backlink strategy? ›

Content creation is the number one strategy for generating backlinks. The problem is that 90% of web pages get absolutely no traffic. If your content gets no traffic, nobody is backlinking to it. That's why 75% of marketers say they generate content that's specifically designed to net backlinks.

Which backlinks should be avoided? ›

Links From Spammy Sites

It's ads irrelevant to you or sites that talk about illegal or predatory products. With spammy backlinks, it's no different. These are links back to your site from places you just don't want to be associated with your brand. It's usually more than that.

Is backlink a part of SEO? ›

Backlink building is an essential part of SEO because search engines use them to help determine the authority and relevance of a page. Search engines decide how important a page is by the use of backlinks.

What's the difference between backlinks and link-building? ›

Link building is the process of creating links to your website from other websites. This can be done through directories, social media, guest blogging, or any other method of getting links from other websites. Backlinks are links that point from other websites back to your website.

How to get free SEO backlinks? ›

In this guide, we'll talk about 19 free link building tips for beginners.
  1. Ask for Backlinks.
  2. Build Relationships.
  3. Give a Testimonial.
  4. Create Great Content Continuously.
  5. List Your Site in Trustworthy Directories.
  6. Write Guest Posts.
  7. Get Interviewed on Podcasts.
  8. Leverage Social Media.
Nov 7, 2022

What are the 2 quality factors for backlinks? ›

7 Factors That Determine A Quality Backlink
  • Page rank. A website's page rank is determined by a great number of factors that are then calculated to produce rankings for the Search Engine Results Page. ...
  • Follow vs no follow. ...
  • Anchor text. ...
  • The positioning of a link. ...
  • Domain authority. ...
  • Spammy links. ...
  • Quality and relevance of the site.
Jul 20, 2020

How many backlinks do I need to rank? ›

A website should have 40 to 50 backlinks to the homepage and 0 to 100 backlinks to each individual web page to be competitive for SEO. However, the PageRank scores of those backlinks are important because the higher their value, the fewer links are needed to boost overall rankings.

Is Tier 2 or Tier 3 better? ›

Tier 3 provides intensive supports for individual students with more significant needs or whose needs are not sufficiently met by Tier 2 supports. There are two reasons for a student to be referred to receive Tier 3 supports: The student is not benefiting sufficiently from Tier 2 interventions.

How much should a business pay for an SEO backlink? ›

Keep it Between $200 and $1000

As anything else in marketing, a fair price for a backlink depends on a lot of factors: DR, industry, your final goal, content, etc. However, let's try to talk numbers; the average price for a quality backlink is $300-$600 per link.

How do you know if a site is good for backlinks? ›

What can you look out for when assessing the quality of a backlink?
  1. The Domain Authority Score. It's important to know the domain authority of the sites that you consider for link acquisition. ...
  2. The Domain Relevance. ...
  3. Search Engine Index. ...
  4. Trust Flow. ...
  5. Citation Flow. ...
  6. Branded Keywords and Anchor Text.
Dec 17, 2020

What is the best way to build links? ›

Build trusting relationships.
  1. Produce Unique Research. ...
  2. Create Unique Images, Graphics, or Video. ...
  3. Respond to a Popular/Trending Article or Topic. ...
  4. Update or Elaborate on Links in Relevant Posts. ...
  5. Offer Free Tools. ...
  6. Review the SERPs. ...
  7. Build Trusting Relationships.
Jun 17, 2021

What makes a backlink toxic? ›

What Are Toxic Backlinks? As you might expect, toxic backlinks are ones that hurt your website's reputation in Google's eyes. Many of these types of links have their origin in black hat SEO tactics, unethical attempts to game the search engine algorithm to get higher rankings.

Can backlinks hurt your site? ›

Toxic backlinks are links that don't come from high-quality, trusted authority sites. As a result, they can and will hurt your SEO if there are enough of them, so it's essential to know how to spot them and understand what to do if you find you have them.

What is Tier 1 backlinks? ›

Tier 1 (the best backlinks you can generate for your website) Tier 2 (bad backlinks that you should avoid as much as possible) Tier 3 (The absolute worst of the worst. These backlinks would get your website penalized by Google and other search engines)

Is a Facebook link a backlink? ›

By definition, backlinks include any link present on a website that links back to your site. Facebook (like all the other social media platforms: Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc) is considered as a “website” so any link present on Facebook that leads people to your website is a backlink.

Does Google still use backlinks? ›

You're probably well aware that there are dozens of Google ranking factors. If you're at all interested in link building, you probably know that backlinks still matter in 2023. But did you know that backlinks continue to remain Google's most powerful ranking signal?

Are backlinks allowed on Google? ›

Google and other major search engines consider backlinks “votes” for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings. For example, here is a link from Forbes to my website. Because that link points directly to a page on my website, it's a “backlink”.

Does LinkedIn count as backlinks? ›

“Now, Google knows to include these sites in your site's backlink profile every time it is linked in a post on LinkedIn,” he continues. “When you write an article with your website linked, it counts as a backlink.”

What link carries the most value on a page? ›

A dofollow link is the most valuable type of link as it passes SEO value and authority to the site it leads to. Dofollow links are active hyperlinks with anchor text (the text that is hyperlinked) that is typically related to the name or topic of the campaign's content or publisher.

Do backlinks increase traffic? ›

Backlinks help websites increase their search traffic and rankings on search engines. However, only high-quality backlinks will generate the best SEO results and actually increase your website traffic.

How long does it take to build backlinks? ›

The first thing you should know is that it is not uncommon for links to take up to 5-10 weeks to rank and start impacting your site. That said, that is a more extreme example, and there's a lot you can do to speed it up. Before I get there though, there's a few things you need to consider.

How long does it take to create backlinks? ›

Realistically, though, it can take 3 to 12 months to see any change in your site's visibility. It's helpful to consider a few important factors that influence the impact velocity of link building, too.

How do you build backlinks naturally? ›

12 Secrets to Building Natural Backlinks
  1. What Are Natural Backlinks? ...
  2. Offer Value Instead of Asking for Links. ...
  3. Make Your Content Targeted and Purposeful. ...
  4. Build Something Better. ...
  5. Collaborate With Influencers. ...
  6. Entice Influencers With Ego Bait. ...
  7. Search Q&A Websites for Potential Topics. ...
  8. Diversify Your Content Types.

How do I find backlinks keywords? ›

Go to the Backlink Analytics (aff) report and enter your domain – e.g. Click the Indexed Pages tab to see a table of the most linked URLs on the domain.
Reverse-engineer competitors
  1. Google Ranking Factors.
  2. CTR Stats.
  3. Content and Voice Search studies.
Aug 12, 2022

Which is better PPC or SEO? ›

SEO is also more effective for local searches and can grow your online presence for longer. Pay-per-click (PPC), on the other hand, is an acquisition strategy that requires you to spend ad money to get your content in front of an audience when they search for specific keywords online.

How much should I pay for backlinks? ›

You should never spend less than $500 on a single backlink. The average top-quality backlink from an exclusive, high DR, high traffic, high authority domain will cost you $1000. Anything less and you are paying for bad quality domains, poor quality content, and poor services.

How do beginners learn SEO for free? ›

SEO Step-by-Step Tutorial
  1. Step 1: Find keywords.
  2. Step 2: Put keywords in the page title.
  3. Step 3: Put keywords in the page URL.
  4. Step 4: Put keywords in your meta description.
  5. Step 5: Put keywords in your H1 text.
  6. Step 6: Use keywords in the page's content.
  7. Step 7: Build links to your website.
  8. Step 8: Monitor your rank.
Jul 21, 2022

Can I get traffic without backlinks? ›

“Roughly 5% from our sample of billion web pages get some organic traffic while having no backlinks. Meaning that only one in every ~20 pages without backlinks has traffic and the majority of these get 300 organic visits or less each month.”

How many backlinks should you have? ›

A website should have 40 to 50 backlinks to the homepage and 0 to 100 backlinks to each individual web page to be competitive for SEO. However, the PageRank scores of those backlinks are important because the higher their value, the fewer links are needed to boost overall rankings.

How many backlinks we can create? ›

You can build as many links as you want each day, as long as the backlinks come from quality sites and your anchor text profile looks natural.

What are the three types of links in a website? ›

In general, there are three types of links:
  • Internal links – hyperlinks that lead from one page to another within your own website;
  • External links – hyperlinks that lead from your website to another resource;
  • Backlinks – hyperlinks that lead from another site to yours.
Feb 22, 2022

What is the best method to get high quality backlinks? ›

8 Smarter Ways to Earn Quality Backlinks
  • Replicate competitors' best backlinks. ...
  • Analyze competitors' mentions. ...
  • Build backlinks with infographics. ...
  • Guest blogging. ...
  • Build a solid internal linking structure. ...
  • Outreach and promote your best content everywhere. ...
  • Give interviews. ...
  • Broken link building.
Sep 30, 2022

What is a backlink example? ›

A backlink is when one website links to another with an anchor text. An example of a backlink is any article you find that links to another source or website. You can find examples of website backlinks all over the internet, especially on popular blog sites that link back to relevant content.

What are the 3 basic website structures? ›

Three essential structures can be used to build a Web site: sequences, hierarchies, and webs.

What are the two things you require to create a link? ›

There are two ends of a link: anchor and direction. The link will start at the 'source' anchor and point to the 'destination' anchor. The destination anchor may be an HTML document, image, video, or a section within an HTML document.

What are the two main parts of a URL called? ›

It is also referred to as a web address. URLs consist of multiple parts -- including a protocol and domain name -- that tell a web browser how and where to retrieve a resource.

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Article information

Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.