How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (2024)

How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (1)

Joshua Hardwick

Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC).

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    Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool for advertisers. But you can also use it to find keywords for SEO. It can even show you the keywords your competitors are targeting.

    In this guide, you’ll learn how to get some serious SEO value from Keyword Planner.

    Step 1. Get access to Google Keyword Planner

    Google Keyword Planner is free. All you need is a Google Ads account to useit.

    To set one up, go to, click “Start now,” and sign in to your Google account.

    Next, click the small blue “Create an account with a campaign” link.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (3)

    On the next screen, enter your billing country, time zone, currency, select “No” to the question “Want personalised campaign guidance from a Google Ads expert by phone?”, then click “Submit.”

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (4)

    On the success screen that follows, click “Continue to your account”:

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (5)

    On the left menu bar, click “Tools” > “Planning” > “Keyword Planner.”

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (6)

    Step 2. Discover new keywords

    If you want to see search volumes and metrics for an existing list of keywords, click “Get search volume and forecasts.” Otherwise, click “Discover new keywords” to find new keyword ideas.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (7)

    There are two ways to discover new keywords:

    1. Start with ideas – Enter up to 10 words or phrases related to your business.
    2. Start with a website or webpage – Enter a URL and choose whether you want keyword suggestions based on the whole site or just thatpage.

    For example, if we enter a few keywords related to SEO, we get 3,377 keyword ideas.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (8)

    This is pretty low compared to the number of keyword ideas you get from a third-party keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (9)

    But the neat thing about Keyword Planner is that it generates related ideas that don’t contain the terms you entered.

    For example, here are some ideas we get if we enter “SEO” as our seedidea:

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (10)

    Typically, you’d need to enter more seed ideas to find keyword ideas like this in conventional keyword research tools.

    Step 3. Look for the best keyword ideas

    There’s no point in trying to rank for irrelevant keywords, so the best starting point is to filter out keywords that don’t make sense to target.

    For example, say that you’re looking for keyword ideas related to T-shirts for an online clothing store.

    If you enter “tshirt” as your seed idea, you’ll see a lot of brand-related keywords:

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (11)

    This is fine if you sell T-shirts from these brands. Otherwise, they’re a distraction.

    Luckily, Keyword Planner makes it super easy to refine ideas. Just click “Refine keywords” in the upper right to quickly include or exclude keywords by attributes like brand, color, andstyle.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (12)

    For example, you can easily filter out keywords that mention brands you don’tsell.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (13)


    This feature doesn’t work if you started keyword research with a website orURL.

    If you still see many irrelevant keywords after this, use the “does not contain” keyword filter to exclude them.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (14)

    From here, it’s just a case of looking through the ideas for keywords that makesense.

    Here are a few ideas and ways to dothis:

    Find low-competition long-tails

    Long-tail keywords are keywords that get a few monthly searches. Because of this, they tend to be easier to rank for than popular keywords.

    Keyword Planner doesn’t show the exact number of monthly searches for keywords, but it does show the average monthly range. So you can easily find long-tail keywords by sorting the ideas by average monthly searches from low tohigh.

    For example, if we do this for the seed keyword “ebike,” we see many ideas with 10–100 monthly searches, including “power e bike” and “genze e222b electric bike.”

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (15)

    However, not all of these are necessarily easy to rankfor.

    Unfortunately, Keyword Planner can’t help you figure that out because its “competition” metric has nothing to do with organic search competition. It’s the competition level in Google Ads. As such, you should pay absolutely no attention toit.

    Instead, we recommend plugging keyword ideas into a third-party tool like our free Keyword Difficulty (KD) checker. This estimates the difficulty of ranking on the first page of Google on a scale from 0 to100.

    If we do this for “power e bike,” we see that it has quite a high KDscore.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (16)

    On the other hand, “genze e222b electric bike” has a very low KDscore.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (17)

    Another consideration when choosing keyword ideas is their traffic potential. The easiest method for this is to plug the top-ranking page for the keyword into our free traffic checker.

    Website Traffic Checker

    See search traffic estimates for any website or webpage

    If we do this for the top-ranking page for “genze e222b electric bike,” we see it gets an estimated 394 monthly search visits. So it clearly has traffic potential.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (18)

    Find trending keywords

    Keyword Planner has a YoY change metric. This shows the change in search trends between the latest month and the same month from the previous year.

    You can find breakout topics if you sort keyword ideas by this column from highest to lowest.

    For example, if we enter “e bike” as our seed keyword, we see that “giant stance e+” has a +900% YoY increase.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (19)

    This is likely because Giant announced released the bike lastyear.

    If you run an affiliate website, this is an excellent way to find products worth reviewing.

    Find seasonal keywords

    Keyword Planner also has a “three month change” metric. This shows the change in search trends between the latest month and the two months prior.

    You can find seasonal topics if you sort keyword ideas by this column from highest to lowest.

    For example, if we use “e bike” as our seed once again, we see that “ebike black friday” has a +900% three-month increase.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (20)

    This is because Black Friday is just around the corner (at the time of writing).

    Let’s enter “sweater” as our seed. We see many terms related to ugly Christmas sweaters seeing a recent increase in searches. Again, this makes sense given the time of year (once more, at the time of writing).

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (21)

    Find lucrative keywords

    Keyword Planner has a column for “top of page bid (high range).” As Google notes, this shows the “higher range of what advertisers have historically paid for a keyword’s top of pagebid.”

    Now, advertisers have nothing to do with SEO. But it’s logical to assume that if they’re willing to pay a lot for clicks from a keyword, it must have commercial value. In which case, it’s worth trying to rank organically.

    For example, if we sort our ebike keyword ideas by “top of page bid” from high to low, one of the keywords that advertisers pay big bucks for clicks from is “zoozebike.”

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (22)

    This is hardly surprising given that these bikes cost $2K–$3K.

    Bonus: Google Keyword Planner tips & tricks

    Now you know the basics of using Keyword Planner, let’s look at a few tricks and tips that most SEOs aren’t awareof.

    1. Unlock exact search volumes

    Google’s reluctance to show exact search volumes is one of the most frustrating things about Keyword Planner. It’s why many SEOs no longer use thetool.

    For example, both of these keywords have a search volume range of 1K–10K:

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    But if we check these two keywords in Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer, we see that one of these keywords gets more than twice as many searches as theother.

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    Luckily, there’s a trick to unlock more precise (but not perfect) search volumes in Keyword Planner.

    Here’s the process:

    1. Enter your keyword in square brackets using the “Get search volume and forecasts” mode
    2. Go to the Forecast tab
    3. Click the arrow to reveal thegraph
    4. Click the maximum CPC on thegraph
    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (25)

    Now pay attention to the “Impressions” column. This tells you the estimated number of impressions your ad would get over the next month if you were to run it for the selected keywords.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (26)

    Because you set the bid value so high, these impressions should be close to the monthly search volume for that keyword.

    Let’s use Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to check how close these numbers are.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (27)

    It looks like it was pretty much dead on in thiscase.


    Having played around with this trick for a while, it seems to be most accurate when investigating keywords with commercial intent. This is likely because Google is less likely to show ads for informational queries, so impression data is off. Keep in mind that third-party tools like Keywords Explorer tend to be more reliable.

    2. See local search volumes

    Most keyword research tools don’t tell you how many people search for a term in specific states or cities. They only show search volumes for the entire country, which could be better for local SEO.

    In Google Keyword Planner, however, you can simply change your location to a different country, state, or city to see local volume ranges.

    For example, there are an estimated 100K–1M monthly searches for “plumber” in the U.S.:

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (28)

    But if we change the location to Birmingham, Alabama, the range changes to just 100–1K:

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    You can also combine this with the exact volume trick above to get more precise volume estimations for localareas.

    For example, suppose we were to max out our bid for “plumber” in Birmingham, Alabama. In that case, we’d get an estimated 636 monthly impressions on ourad.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (30)

    3. See popular search locations

    Keyword Planner can also show you the most popular search locations for any term. Just scroll to the bottom of the Forecasts tab for your keywords.

    For example, 54% of impressions for “superbowl” come from the U.S.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (31)

    But you can go even deeper. Knowing that most searches come from the U.S., you can set the U.S. as the location in the location filter. Now the Locations box will show the top states.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (32)

    Going even deeper and setting the location to a state will show you the top cities.

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    In fact, if you set your location to a city, it’ll even tell you the most popular ZIP/postal codes.

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    This is based on impressions forecasts for ads—so take the results with a pinch of salt. If you’re just looking for a country-level breakdown of search volumes, Keywords Explorer has you covered with more precise data.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (35)

    4. See what devices searchers areusing

    It’s always best practice to ensure your content is optimized for mobile, as mobile-friendliness has been a ranking factor on mobile for years. But it’s still more important for some topics than others.

    After all, if few people are searching for your topic on mobile, then you don’t need to stress too much about perfectly optimizing your content for mobile users.

    For example, suppose we add the keyword “free keyword research tool” to our keyword plan and check the “Forecasts” tab. We see that 81% of impressions happen on computers, not mobile phones or tablets.

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    Given this information, it’s probably not worth stressing too much about making screenshots in the post easier to read on mobile—especially not if doing so detracts from the desktop user experience.

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    However, for some keywords, it will be the other way around.

    For example, 92.3% of impressions for “best restaurant near me” happen on mobile phones.

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    This makes sense. People Googling this are most likely just looking for a good restaurant for lunch while out and about. So if you’re a local restaurant looking to rank for this and related keywords, optimizing your content for mobile is a top priority.

    Final thoughts

    Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool worth incorporating into your keyword research workflow. It’s packed with valuable insights you can’t get from othertools.

    But it does have its limitations—the lack of accurate search volumes being a bigone.

    If that’s what you’re looking for, investing in a professional keyword research tool like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer is the way to go. This shows exact search volumes for all keywords and other useful metrics like Keyword Difficulty (KD) and Traffic Potential (TP).

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (39)

    Got questions? Ping me on Twitter.

    How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2023 (2024)


    How to use Google Keyword Planner in 2023? ›

    1. Get access to Google Keyword Planner. Google Keyword Planner is free. ...
    2. Discover new keywords. If you want to see search volumes and metrics for an existing list of keywords, click “Get search volume and forecasts.” Otherwise, click “Discover new keywords” to find new keyword ideas. ...
    3. Look for the best keyword ideas.
    Mar 8, 2024

    How to use Google Keyword Planner effectively? ›

    And in this guide, I'll show you how to get the most SEO value out of this awesome tool.
    1. Step #1: Access the Google Keyword Planner.
    2. Step #2: Choose Your Tool.
    3. Step #3: Filter and Sort the Results.
    4. Step #4: Analyze the Keyword Ideas Section.
    5. Step #5: Choose a Keyword.
    6. Bonus Step #1: Get Exact Keyword Search Volume Data.
    Feb 13, 2024

    What are the limitations of Google Keyword Planner? ›

    One of the most significant of these limitations is the limited keyword volume data. This is because the keyword data that Google Keyword Planner provides is based on limited search volumes and cannot provide a comprehensive overview of total search volume for a given keyword.

    Is there any SEO tool as good as Google Keyword Planner? ›

    Ahrefs(SEO Keyword Tool):

    Detailed Keyword Metrics: It provides detailed keyword metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, traffic potential, and click-through rate (CTR) estimates.

    Is Google Keyword Planner accurate? ›

    Our study revealed that Ahrefs' Search Volume estimates were roughly accurate for 60% of the studied keywords compared to "Impressions" from Google Search Console. In comparison, Google Keyword Planner's Search Volume estimates were roughly accurate in 45% of cases.

    How to understand Keyword Planner? ›

    When you start using the Keyword Planner, you'll be given four options:
    1. Search for new keywords: Allows you to type in a phrase, website, or category to generate new ideas.
    2. Multiple keyword lists: Combines two separate lists that you'll input to create new keyword combinations.

    Is Google Keyword Planner better than Ubersuggest? ›

    Keyword Planner rates 4.7/5 stars with 10 reviews. By contrast, Ubersuggest rates 4.2/5 stars with 133 reviews. Each product's score is calculated with real-time data from verified user reviews, to help you make the best choice between these two options, and decide which one is best for your business needs.

    Are too many keywords bad for SEO? ›

    The more keywords you target across your entire website, the more pages you can rank for. This allows you to reach a larger audience, which is what you want. However, overusing your primary keyword can be bad for SEO. When you use your primary keyword too much on one page, it looks spammy to Google and readers.

    Why are keywords removed from Google Keyword Planner? ›

    Google Keyword Planner may show "All keywords were removed" for popular keywords if they have low search volume or if Google restricts data for certain highly competitive or sensitive terms. In such cases, try variations or related keywords to access keyword data.

    How many Google keywords should I use? ›

    Why You Shouldn't Have Too Many Keywords in an Ad Group: You'll hear recommendations of 20-25 keywords, but those numbers aren't accurate for every business. While it's okay for you to have 20-25 keywords in an Ad Group, the normal answer is probably between 10-20.

    Is SEMrush better than Google Keyword Planner? ›

    Google Keyword Planner is good if you're mainly into Google Ads and need basic keyword ideas. It's free if you have a Google Ads account. SEMrush is a more robust tool that covers a lot of SEO needs, including detailed keyword analysis, competitor research, and more. But, it's not free – there's a cost involved.

    How to crack SEO on Google? ›

    1. Step #1: Improve Your On-Site SEO. ...
    2. Step #2: Add LSI Keywords To Your Page. ...
    3. Step #3: Monitor Your Technical SEO. ...
    4. Step #4: Match Your Content to Search Intent. ...
    5. Step #5: Reduce Your Bounce Rate. ...
    6. Step #6: Find Even More Keywords to Target. ...
    7. Step #7: Publish Insanely High-Quality Content. ...
    8. Step #8: Build Backlinks to Your Site.
    Mar 14, 2024

    What is the Google Keyword Planner equivalent? ›

    24 Best Google Keyword Planner Alternatives
    • Ahrefs. Alongside Ahrefs' backlink reporting and organic traffic dashboards, they have a really powerful keyword research tool. ...
    • SEMrush. ...
    • Moz. ...
    • ...
    • Scrapebox. ...
    • WordStream. ...
    • Bing. ...
    • Keyword Discover.
    Sep 24, 2020

    How to do keyword research in 2023? ›

    Use keyword research tools:

    Some of the best keyword research tools in 2023 are Semrush, Ahrefs, Moz, Ubersuggest, Google Keyword Planner, and AnswerThePublic. These tools can help you find keyword ideas based on seed keywords, related searches, long-tail keywords, LSI keywords, competitor analysis, and more.

    How to access Google Keyword Planner without creating an ad in 2023? ›

    How to Set Up Google Keyword Planner
    1. Go to Google Ads, click “Start now,” and sign in with your Google account.
    2. Then, click on the blue link that says “Switch to Expert Mode.” This way, you can create an account without creating an ad campaign.
    Mar 8, 2023

    How to learn SEO in 2023? ›

    Link Building and Outreach

    Link building is the hardest (and most important) part of any SEO strategy. The simple fact is: if your site doesn't have backlinks pointing to it, you're probably not going to rank very well. It's also important to promote your content via outreach and on social media.

    What are the Google Ads guidelines for 2023? ›

    In November 2023, Google will update its policies to limit impressions in certain ad-serving scenarios that have a higher potential of causing abuse or a poor experience for our users. In these specific scenarios, only qualified advertisers will be able to run their ads without limitation.

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    Author: Dan Stracke

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    Author information

    Name: Dan Stracke

    Birthday: 1992-08-25

    Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

    Phone: +398735162064

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    Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

    Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.