SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (2024)

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (1)

Joshua Hardwick

Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC).

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Most businesses paying a monthly retainer for SEO will pay between $500 to $1,500 per month. For those paying by the hour, $75 to $100 is the most popular hourly rate. For one-off SEO projects, $2,501 to $5,000 per-project is most common.

How do we know? We surveyed 400+ members of the SEO industry. Here are few more top takeaways:

  1. Monthly retainers range from $500 to $1,500.
  2. Hourly rates for SEO services are often priced at $75 to $100 perhour.
  3. Project-based fees are usually between $2,501 to $5,000.
  4. Agencies and consultants usually charge more than freelancers
  5. 78.2% of SEOs charge monthly retainers for some or all of their services.
  6. 54.5% of SEOs only offer one pricing model (i.e., hourly, retainer, or per-project).
  7. $501–$1,000 is the most popular monthly retainer.
  8. $75–$100 is the most popular hourly rate.
  9. $2,501–$5,000 is the most popular per-project rate.
  10. Fewer than 1 in 10 SEOs (9.9%) charge more than $150/hour.
  11. Agencies and consultants charge significantly more than freelancers.
  12. There’s a clear positive correlation between experience and rates. (Surprising, right?)
  13. Local SEOs charge less than those with global clients.
  14. SEOs based in India, Central America, and South America charge theleast.

Let’s take a look at each pricing model in more detail.


We had 439 submissions in total. However, after reviewing them, we removed 89, as they were either duplicates or spam. For example, many respondents supplied a website they clearly didn’t own (e.g., or had nothing to do with SEO. If a respondent’s site didn’t clearly offer SEO services, we removed them from our sample.

Hourly rates

34.8% of respondents price some or all of their work by thehour.

We found that $75–$100 per hour is the most popular hourly rate for SEOs, with 24% of respondents charging thisrate.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (2)

47% of respondents charge between $75 and $200 perhour.

90% charge $150/hour or less, and only 4.1% command an hourly rate of $201+.

Here’s a breakdown of hourly rates by region:

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (3)

There is one clear outlier here:India.

We found 85.7% of India-based SEOs charge an hourly rate of $30 or less. The remaining 14.3% are in the $51–$60 range.


We didn’t have much data for some regions, so take the results with a pinch of salt. Also, the reason for grouping Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, and Spain together is that they’re the only European countries (besides the U.K.) with a GDP of 1 trillion or more. I thought it would be interesting to see if the numbers for those countries were different from the rest of Europe.

Looking at U.S. and Canada data in isolation, 66.7% charge $75–200/hour—over two-thirds!

Do SEO agencies charge more per hour than freelancers?


SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (4)

58.7% and 58.8% of SEO agencies and consultants respectively command $75+/hour, compared to only 36.6% of freelancers.

However, the most common hourly rate for SEO agencies and freelancers is the same: $75–100/hour.

For SEO consultants, it’s $100–150/hour.

If we assume all surveyed SEOs charge the upper end of their pricing tier (e.g., $150, from $100–$150), then take the average hourly rate for each subset (Agency, Freelance, Consultancy), here’s what weget:

  • Consultancies: $171.18/hour, on average.
  • Agencies: $98.90/hour, on average.
  • Freelancers: $71.59/hour, on average.

By these stats, the hourly rate charged by SEO consultants is more than double that of SEO freelancers.

Do more experienced SEOs earn a lot more perhour?

Yes, theydo.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (5)

$73.05 is the average hourly rate for SEOs who have been in business for two years orless.

This jumps to $97.11 for those who’ve been in business for 2–4 years, $102.03 for 5–10 years, and $118.35 for 10+years.

So it seems that experience and track record play a vital role when it comes to hourly earnings.

Do those offering services worldwide charge more per hour than those serving local markets?

Yes, slightly.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (6)

On average, those offering their services locally earn $93.89/hour, whereas those serving the worldwide market earn $106.69/hour.

That’s a difference of 13.6%.

Monthly retainer rates

78.2% of respondents charge a monthly retainer for some or all of theirwork.

We found that $501–$1,000 per month is the most popular monthly retainer rate for SEOs, with 20.4% of respondents charging thisrate.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (7)

42.8% of respondents charge between $501 and $2,000 permonth.

68.8% charge $2,000/month or less, meaning only 31.2% command retainers of $2,001+.

Here’s a breakdown of monthly retainer rates by region:

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (8)

Once again, India is a clear outlier here.

76% of India-based SEOs charge $1,000 or less per month. The remaining 24% charge between $2,001 and $10,000.

Looking at U.S. and Canada data in isolation, 79.1% charge at least $1,001 per month—some command as much as $25,001–$50,000 permonth!

Do SEO agencies charge more per month than freelancers?


SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (9)

57.4% of SEO agencies command $1,001+/month, compared to only 32.2% of freelancers.

However, consultants earn the most, with 70.6% commanding $1,001+/month.

The most common monthly retainer range for SEO agencies is $500–$1,000/month. For consultants, it’s $2,501–$5,000.

For freelancers, it’s $251–$500/month and $101–$500/month.

If we assume all surveyed SEOs charge the upper end of their pricing tier (e.g., $1,500, from $1,001–$1,500), and then take the average monthly retainer rate for each subset (Agency, Freelance, Consultancy), here’s what weget:

  • Agencies: $3,209/month, on average.
  • Consultancies: $3,250/month, on average.
  • Freelancers: $1,348.63/month, on average.

By these stats, the monthly retainer range charged by SEO agencies and consultants is almost double that of SEO freelancers.

Do more experienced SEOs charge a lot more permonth?

Yes, theydo.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (10)

$1,540.52 is the average retainer rate for SEOs who have been in business for two years orless.

This jumps to $2,023.13 for those who’ve been in business for 2+ years. That’s around 33% more than those who’ve been in business for two years orless.

But the big jump comes after five years in business. The average retainer for those in business for 5–10 years is $3,648.28—more than double the rate of those in business for two years orless.

After this, things level off somewhat. In fact, we saw a decline in earnings for those who’ve been in business for 10+ years. However, this is probably due to us not having a lot of data for this subset.

Do those offering services worldwide charge more per month than those serving local markets?


SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (11)

Those offering their services locally charge $1,557.08/month, on average. Whereas those serving the worldwide market earn $3,473.74/month.

That’s a significant difference of 123.1%.

Per-project rates

48.9% of respondents charge a per-project fee for some or all of theirwork.

We found that $2,501–$5,000 is the most popular per-project fee, with 21.2% of respondents charging thisrate.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (12)

60.6% of respondents charge $1,001 ormore.

50.6% charge $2,000 or less, meaning that fewer than half of respondents command per-project fees of $2,001+.

Here’s a breakdown of per-project rates by region:

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (13)

Yep, you guessed it—India is the outlier.

93.75% of India-based SEOs charge $1,500 or less. The remaining 6.25% charge between $2,001 and $2,500.

Looking at the U.S. and Canada in isolation, 83.3% charge at least $1,001. Some even charge as much as $50,001–$75,000 per project.

Do SEO agencies charge more per project than freelancers?


SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (14)

73.3% of SEO agencies command $1,001+ per project, compared to only 64% of consultants and 40.68% of freelancers.

The most common per-project fee for freelancers is $101–$250. For SEO agencies, it’s $2,501–$5,000. And for consultants, it’s $5,001–$10,000.

If we assume all surveyed SEOs charge the upper end of their pricing tier (e.g., $1,500, from $1,001–1,500), and then take the average per-project rate for each subset (Agency, Freelance, Consultancy), here’s what weget:

  • Agencies: $9,507.84/month, on average.
  • Consultancies: $8,685.53/month, on average.
  • Freelancers: $2,348.63/month, on average.

By these stats, the per-project fee charged by SEO agencies is more than 4X that of SEO freelancers, on average.

Do more experienced SEOs charge a lot more per project?

Yes, theydo.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (15)

$1,881.73 is the average per-project fee charged by those who’ve been in business for two years orless.

This jumps to $2,242.71 for those who’ve been in business for 2+ years and then to $9,087.31 for those who’ve been in business 5–10years.

Do those offering services worldwide charge more per project than those serving local markets?

Yes—significantly more!

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (16)

On average, those offering their services locally charge $5,723.53 per project, whereas those serving the worldwide market charge $8,056.56.

That’s a significant difference of 40.80%.

Final thoughts

My hope is that this data will help SEOs to stop undercharging for their services. Yes, the economic outlook may look bleak right now, but know that SEO is a valuable skill. Don’t be afraid to charge what you’re worth.

Got questions? Ping me on Twitter.

SEO Pricing: How Much Does SEO Cost? 439 People Polled (2024)


How much does SEO usually cost? ›

Most businesses paying a monthly retainer for SEO will pay between $500 to $1,500 per month. For those paying by the hour, $75 to $100 is the most popular hourly rate. For one-off SEO projects, $2,501 to $5,000 per-project is most common.

What is the charge for SEO? ›

SEO charges in India are between INR 5000 and 25000 per month (60,000 - 3,00,000 a year). The ROI and whether or not any shortcuts/risks were taken in the process could result in your site being punished later. Some SEO services are affordable, but many are not.

How much do SEO freelancers charge? ›

The average SEO freelancer charges between $75 and $150 per hour. Freelancers can provide customized SEO solutions based on their clients' needs. Consultant rates, on average, range from $100 to $150 per hour.

How much does SEO cost for small businesses? ›

In fact, small businesses spend anywhere between $100 to $5,000 per month on SEO services. But again, the average tends to be around $500 per month. As you might expect, agencies and freelancers that charge a higher monthly retainer also tend to deliver better results.

Why is SEO so expensive? ›

In summary, SEO services are expensive because they are a highly specialized field that requires expertise, ongoing maintenance, and a significant investment of time and effort. However, the benefits of having a well-optimized website can be enormous, making the cost of SEO services well worth it in the long run.

Can you do SEO yourself? ›

Yes, you can do SEO yourself! DIY SEO involves managing all aspects of SEO in-house, including tasks like researching keywords, optimizing your site, monitoring rankings, setting up analytics, and more. Search engine optimization (SEO) doesn't always require help from an specialist.

Does SEO have a cost per click? ›

SEO isn't as expensive in the long run since you don't have to pay every time someone clicks on your website. Improves trust and credibility. SEO can improve your trust and credibility since potential customers won't see a sponsored tag next to your meta title on the SERP.

Is SEO worth it for small businesses? ›

Yes, SEO is definitely worth it for small businesses, offering undeniable benefits like strong brand identity, sustainable long-term growth and cost-effective lead generation. However, it's important to remember the caveats: SEO is a long-term commitment and might not suit businesses that need quick wins.

Can you pay someone to do SEO? ›

If you'd like some extra help navigating these SEO tips or if you don't have time to devote to improving your website's SEO, another option is to hire an SEO specialist. If you find the right person, they can become a long term partner as you improve your website and business.

How much do SEO copywriters charge? ›

SEO blog post writing is the general term to write long-form, industry-leading content. With over seven years of digital marketing experience and real-life experience, my copywriting service rate for 2024 is between $. 50-$. 80/word with a max of 2,000 words.

What is the hourly rate for an SEO writer? ›

SEO Writers on Upwork cost $15–$35/hr.

Looking to find work instead?

How much does an SEO specialist cost per hour? ›

Expertise greatly affects how much SEO specialists earn monthly. A higher level of experience means higher hourly and monthly rates. On average, SEO agencies and freelancers charge $75–$100 per hour, while SEO consultants charge $100–150/hour.

How much do freelance SEO writers make? ›

Freelance Seo Salary
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$200,000$16,666
75th Percentile$128,500$10,708
25th Percentile$50,500$4,208

Is SEO freelancing profitable? ›

SEO freelancing can be very lucrative. As an SEO freelancer, your earning potential is often influenced by your level of expertise, the types of projects you handle, your reputation, and the demand for your services. And SEO freelancers have the potential to earn significantly more than their salaried counterparts.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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